There was a mirror leaning against a wall in our hallway by our bedroom. It is a very, very heavy mirror and we weren't in a hurry to move it thinking our little guy would not be strong enough to pull it down. Normally my son likes to look at himself in the mirror and make faces at himself. Today my little curious one decided to try something different. I heard a banging against the wall and turned and saw him trying to pry the mirror away from the wall. I ran toward him to get him to stop, but I was too late. He had pulled the mirror down and glass shattered all around him. He was under the shattered mirror crying. I wasted no time and began to pull him out. I hugged him and comforted him. As I walked away from the mirror I saw blood drops on the mirror and quickly checked him out to see if he was injured. There was nothing but a few minor scratches on his body.
I couldn't figure out what was going on, until I looked at my arm. I had a rather large gash in my arm, and I will spare you the details. I continued to comfort my son, who was just scared from what happened. I'll tell you what, I thanked God in that moment for placing a protective covering around him. There was glass everywhere on the floor and before I pulled him out, shattered glass all around him, big pieces and little.
Suddenly the gash in my arm was nothing. I dashed up the steps with him. I was looking for one of the women we are living with, who is a nurse. She happened to be off work today and was able to nurse the wound long enough to get me to the ER. All I kept thinking was how happy I was that my son was okay, that he was wrapped in God's protective arms. I was also grateful to have someone here that was nurse. She didn't panic, she just took care of what needed to be taken care of and didn't give me a chance to be scared. I barely even felt any pain through the whole incident.
What I thought would be a 2 or 3 hour visit to the hospital was only about 1/2 hour. I got 7 stitches in my arm. I was able to get back home to my husband, who left work for this, and my son. I just kept hugging him all day, so glad that the Lord took care of my little guy. He is such a trooper. More important than that, God is just so awesome. Through this bad situation, it's like he placed everything so perfectly to minimize any damage or pain.
I can see now that we are here to glorify God. I have never been so thankful like I was that moment this morning. When I think about what could've happened, I just want to cry. But here's the beauty of it, what could've happened didn't happen.
I can't see how anyone out there could even doubt there being God. The nurse at the hospital said we were lucky, but I knew it was not luck. I don't think there's any other explanation as to how that happened so perfectly, for my son to walk out of there with a few tiny cuts and a tiny bump just above his eye and for a mother who moved quickly to get him out, with just one gash, 7 stitches, and hardly any pain.
To God be the glory!
Oh, and there's one other tiny moral to this story. Never underestimate the strength of a toddler. If their mind is set on it, they can do just about anything. Curiosity just gets the better of them. I love my child and his spirit, his curiosity of wanting to understand how things work. But hopefully he will never give me another scare like that again.
I also admire my husband, who picked up all the pieces of broken glass so carefully without injuring himself. He came home from work to take care of us. God is my big hero, who gave me two little heroes!