Let me just tell you how amazing it is once you really start opening the doors of Scripture. In my last post I spoke of how hungry I've been for Scripture, so I took it upon myself to study. It's only been a few weeks that I've really started digging, and it's required much discipline, however I can't believe how much my eyes have been opened. I guess this is why I've been so adament about good teaching and how crucial it is to have good teaching about Scripture. A friend of mine told me about a passage in Scripture about the Ethiopian Eunuch. Take a look at Acts 8:30-31. "Phillip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, 'Do you understand what you are reading?' And he said, 'Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?' And he invited Phillip to come up and sit with him."
But there is also another responsibility that comes with Scripture. How do we know if what we're being taught is correct theology? There's only one way to find out, and that's if you bury your head in Scripture yourself. My husband and I have been learning a bit about hermeneutics, which is basically and inductive form of study of Scripture. We're being taught how to look at Scripture in its proper context. It's really easy to pull out verses and have it fit and match what we might want our lives to look like. I don't think God intended the Bible to be that way. Can we apply Scripture many ways in our lives? Yes. But we also have to look at Scripture as a whole so we aren't developing these man-made theologies that surround around one verse or one chunk of Scripture. If you find one Scripture contradicts another, then you must look again because something is being interpreted wrong. Yes, that might mean doing some research. If you look at Knucklehead's last post, he talks about the word, "confession." The definition isn't what many of us think if you really look at the Greek. Take also for example the word, "love." Love takes on many meanings depending on where you are looking Scripture. So often many of us do not take these things into consideration, but we should be.
Right now I'm doing a Kay Arthur study on the book of Philippians. I'll tell you what, I've had my head buried in Philippians for about two weeks now and haven't even scratched the surface. It's only 4 chapters! So far I've done an overview and through the Inductive method of study, I've been forced to find repetition within the book. What was interesting to me was how Paul keeps reiterating the same things to that church. He mentions in Chapter 3 the importance of his repetition. Look at 3:1. "Finally, my bretheren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you." Then he goes on to tell them to beware of things. He talks about gain and loss for the sake of Christ. This takes on almost the same dynamic as Chapter 1. We have to ask ourselves, "why is he repeating?" In vs 3 of Chapter 3, he talks about putting no confidence in the flesh. He repeats himself through most of his letters about being aware of false doctrines. Why is that? At that time, there must of been a lot of false teaching, which could've been easy to mistake for truth. It was crucial that these churches understood that, and it's crucial we understand that today.
If we aren't firmly rooted in Scripture, then we are going to be "tossed around by every wind of doctrine." I have found over the years many great Christian authors. I have also found many who claim to be Christian authors that are preaching a false gospel. You wouldn't know that on the surface. That's why it's important to read that Bible. Just because CBD or Lifeway sells the book, doesn't mean the author is reputable. Even in the Christian realm, I believe there is a danger to commercialism and it's easy to get greedy. This is why we aren't to cling to the ways of man. We are all sinners, and none of us is perfect. This is why we only have the perfect Holy Spirit and the inerrant Word of God to give us the truth.
In my own life, I have decided to put most books on hold for a while. I'm one of those who buys into the things that "tickle the ears." I can be a sucker for just about anything, but if I would spend more of my time in Scripture, I can't go wrong and maybe someday if I decide to read through those books, I'll be grounded enough to "rightly divide truth." I don't want my ears tickled. I want the honest, hard, loving truth. I never went into this thinking it would be easy. I always hoped it would be easy, but I'd rather rest in the comfort of being uncomfortable sometimes. Nobody said this walk was meant to be comfortable, but there is a comfort in knowing that because at least I know Christ is on my side.
With all that being said, take some time, if you feel so compelled, and just spend some good time soaking in God's Word. If it's that important to you, you will make the time to do it. It's amazing the doors that ending up opening as you learn more and more about Scripture.