As many of you know, I've been reading the book of John. I know, I've been in it for, what seems like, forever, but it's some tough reading. Tonight I read about Lazarus in John 11. How convenient considering we just celebrated the Easter season. I've been trying to understand the meaning behind the miracles in John. Now, I'm not finished reading yet, but it's interesting how Jesus takes something in it's physical state and makes a spiritual lesson of it. We see that in the story of the Samaritan woman and the blind man. Now I'm going to talk about my thoughts on Lazarus.
I've asked myself over and over again why Jesus raised Lazarus after being dead for 4 days! I mean, imagine it were today, and 4 days would probably be the night of the viewing or just after someone has been laid in the grave. It's a long time. Jesus used these miracles to teach us who He is. It made me think about the spiritual death we are all physically born into. We live this life of darkness and sin. Then we believe and follow Christ and he raises us from death to life. He has the power to give life to anyone who wants it. His death and resurrection was the ultimate promise of that. We then have this new life and we no longer live in darkness. It's a second life, a better life. Jesus raised Lazarus to show us He is the giver of life.
I just thought of something else interesting. Before Lazarus rose, Jesus went to the tomb. The infamous John 11:35, "Jesus wept." He wept because Lazarus is dead. Do you think Jesus does that for the spiritually dead? Do you think he is sad because of what this world has come to? He loves us so much and wants us to see the light, but many choose not to. In my mind, that would make him weep because of the dead. He wants us to have life. Hmmmm.
So anyways, this led me to a time of prayer. A prayer about what it is to be a new creation and what is expected of me. I've often struggled with who I am in Christ. I mean, I know I'm a new creation, but it's like there's the personality conflict. I was the fun, crazy, funny person when I was out partying and drinking. Now I feel like the boring person. When I first came to know Christ, even before the years of partying, I was funny and outgoing, and I feel like she's gone for some reason. I mean, I know she's out there somewhere, it's just a matter of getting back those lost years.
Okay, so anyways, here's what the Lord revealed to me. I have to stop being selfish and lazy and allowing the daily distractions get in the way. Selfishness doesn't really lead to joy, it just leads to wanting more. Of course it makes sense that I'm not fully satisfied with who I am. I might be focusing too much on that. Unfortunately some of my selfishness is rooted in fear and anxiety. Then I remembered a verse from Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Not only did I rememeber that, but then I saw it staring me in the face on my wall on a poster.
Then I was lead to Luke 9:23, that verse, those numbers just photographed in my mind, so I went to it. "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life, will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose forfeit his very self." Tell me that wasn't black and white. The words that struck me most was, "take up his cross DAILY. This means every single day, I have to make a commitment to follow Christ and carry the "burden" so to speak. But it shouldn't be a heavy burden because Scripture says Christ's load is light. Every day I must die to myself and lose my life. That means losing my life for my husband, for my child, and whoever else God puts in my path. Yes, I think God truly was speaking to me about being selfless. The Lord has already given me the tools necessary to press through each day. The question is, am I chosing to do it His way?